Name and Objectives

SECTION 1. This organization shall be known as the Tri-County Firefighters Association, and shall be affiliated with the Southeastern Minnesota Firefighters Association and any other organization the members may decide.

SECTION 2. The objectives of this Association shall be; to further a closer feeling of friendship and fellowship among the firefighters of this area, to promote understanding of firefighters problems to the governing bodies, to aid better training for our member departments, and to increase cooperation and mutual aid between the departments. This Association shall do all in its power to further efficient and adequate fire protection for the citizens in our area.


SECTION 1. The membership of this organization shall be composed of all fire departments in Fillmore, Houston, and Winona Counties.

SECTION 2. Honorary membership may be bestowed on any person or organization. Honorary members shall have voice but no vote in the business of the Association.

SECTION 3. The following shall be known as members of the organization as of __________, 1967, the date of adoption at a meeting at Lanesboro, Minnesota.


SECTION 1. The officers of this Association shall consist of a President, three (3) Vice-Presidents (one from each county), and a Secretary-Treasurer. No department shall have more than two (2) officers.

SECTION 2. Such officers shall be elected by the membership at the Fall Meeting; Vice-Presidents shall be elected during odd numbered years and the President and Secretary-Treasurer the even numbered years. They shall hold office for their term, or until their successors are elected and qualified. A term for this Association shall be for two (2) years.

SECTION 3. The executive board shall consist of the elected officers of the Association and shall have charge of all business of the Association between meetings.


SECTION 1. This Association shall meet four (4) times yearly, spring, summer, fall, and winter at locations selected at the previous meeting. At least one of these meetings shall be devoted primarily to training.

SECTION 2. Each member department in good standing shall be entitled to two (2) votes on any question. These may be split on any question.

SECTION 3. No department may be represented by proxy. Any member wishing to vote must be present at the meeting.


SECTION 1. The fiscal year of the Association shall begin the first day of May and end the last day of April each year.

SECTION 2. The revenues of this Association shall be derived from the annual membership of twenty five dollars ($25.00) per department and from any other source deemed proper by the membership.

SECTION 3. Special assessments shall be levied only when passed by a majority in a referendum vote of the entire membership whenever it becomes necessary to carry out the organizations work.

SECTION 4. All departments must have dues paid in order to have a vote at any meeting.

Duties of Officers

SECTION 1. The duties of the president shall be to preside over all meetings, he shall be a member of all committees, he shall report to each meeting all of his official acts during the period intervening since the last meeting. He shall perform all other duties that this Association shall require of him. He shall perform all other duties that this Association shall require of him. He shall be chairman of the Executive Board, he, or one of the Vice-Presidents, shall countersign all vouchers and checks issued by the Secretary-Treasurer.

SECTION 2. It shall be the duty of the Vice-Presidents to assist the members in their counties whenever possible. In the absence of the president, one of them shall fulfill all of his duties during his absence, and to preside at any meeting at which the president is absent. They shall perform any other duties that this Association shall require of them.

SECTION 3. It shall be the duty of the Secretary-Treasurer to keep a record of all proceedings and other records of the Association, to be custodian of all money received. He shall receipt for and deposit all money received from members. He shall make a report of the financial status of the Association verbally at each meeting and a written report of the status at the meeting following the close of the fiscal year. He shall be reimbursed for all legitimate expense incurred during his term of office.

SECTION 4. The Executive Board shall supervise all of the Associations business not otherwise provided for. Three members shall constitute a quorum. The Executive Board shall meet at the call of the president.


SECTION 1. This constitution may be amended by two-thirds vote of the membership at any meeting, or by a majority of a referendum of the entire membership.


SECTION 1. The Executive Board shall have the power to fill any vacancy occurring between elections to fill out any un-expired terms.

Matters NotProvided For

SECTION 1. The Robert’s Rules of order shall prevail at all meetings of the Association.

SECTION 2. The order of business shall be as follows;

  • Roll call of officers and members
  • Reading of minutes of the last meeting
  • Applications for membership
  • Communications and bills
  • Reports of officers
  • Reports of committees
  • Unfinished business
  • New business
  • Good and welfare of the Association
  • Next meeting place
  • Adjournment
Original Constitution and By-Law Committee:

Bruce E. Johnstone, President, Winona
Clyde Boysen, Vice President, Preston
Ron Peter, Vice President, Caledonia
Jerry Nelson, Vice President, Altura
Myles Vaughn, Secretary-Treasurer, Rollingstone